after a week in paradise here are a few of my favorite things.....
orange, ginger, lime and tumeric juice...yum
fresh coconut juice, preferably chilled and preferably taken by the pool
Kopi Luwak
yep, cat's bum coffee.
potato head beach club
preferably at sunset
and beyond,
that moment when you step from the thick humid heat of the outdoors into your chilly airconditioned room
the sparkle of lanterns in the trees of outdoor restaurants
preferably when they are chandeliers,
the chaos and adventure of the fish market at Jimbaran Bay
delicious mangosteen (did you know that the number of "petals" on it's little bottom corrosponds to the number of segments inside the purple skin, clever little mangosteen)
the joyous little Balanese children who have so little but give so much
the beautiful balanese fishing boats
warung ares restaurant and chef dean fishers bali cooking school
la lucciola restuarant
particularly for the view which is second only to the food,
the soaring kites
particularly when they soar above the gorgeous gardens or beaches
the temples
the offerings and the prayerful, reverence of the Balinese Hindus
their devotion is always evident
the doors that lead to quirky villas
or elegant hotel courtyards
some with their own pool
some with lovely gardens
some are bright and jewel like
some are just ornate
the louvers with their patchy flaking paint
the path that leads to morning yoga class
in the peaceful open pavilion
with peaceful fishy friends
exotic flowers
with intoxicating perfume
the happy chatter of the work gangs as they climb aboard their lift to work
sometimes managing to get three workers or a family of four onto a motor cycle
there don't seem to be any complaints about overcrowded transport. no air conditioned trains and myki systems for workers to complain about here
while inside the sanctuary of the hotel the choices are, do we take up a spot on the shaded pergoda beds?
where the view of the pool from behind the curtains is inviting
or choose is the supersized lounges in the shade of the umbrellas.
Bali is an island of contrast, intense beauty across the road from extreme poverty.
i feel so lucky to have shared the week with my first born and to be as privilaged as we are
Ah, I feel relaxed just looking at your photos. What a beautiful trip. So, what does the civet coffee taste like? I am a pretty hard core coffee fan but I'm not sure how I'd go with that one!
Posted by: Kirsty@Bonjour | May 13, 2013 at 08:26 PM
Inspiring quest there. What occurred after? Good luck!
Posted by: Natural Deer Antler Spray | November 17, 2013 at 12:12 PM