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February 15, 2013


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Oh there is so much that is special about it all...well that is why I tell myself to record all the non events and dodgy photos of our lives as well.
Happy weekend to you.....and the garden looks fabulous too. xxx


Beautiful post! I love being on the outside looking in too in the evenings ~ there's something unique about watching like a stranger set apart but knowing the story.

Loving your front gate, too.

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  • i'm midge. it's the nickname my father gave me. i love to create beautiful things for babies and children using thrifted and recycled vintage linen. i spend most of my spare time creating in a cottage in our garden. thank you for stopping by. stay for as long as you like. have a cuppa with me and if you feel inclined you can leave me a comment, i love to hear your thoughts. i read them all and respond whenever i can
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