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January 16, 2013


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What a beautiful tale of your family....no wonder there is always something fun going down with so many to contribute to it. xxx


Great story, I too have 2 children from my first marriage and 2 from the second (I knew that we had very much in common!), but the father had no other children so my story is half than yours!
Isn't it amazing when we adults overcome the sadness of a divorce and get to live in relative friendship, but it is not only luck, you have to work for this result, right?

kitchen hand

I know what you mean.

I'm father to four children, two of them by my first wife and three by my second.

My older two are 28 and 25 years older than the first of my second three, and have a younger brother to their mother's second marriage. The older of the older two has three girls, all older than my second three, to whom they are nieces.

And my head hurts.

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