our miss 13 is a quirky kind of girl.

not your mainstream teenage type.
she is quite ecclectic in her sense of style.

she doesn't subscribe to teenage fashion.

has no interest in make up.

unless it involves fake blood.
she thinks the only boy that is worthy of her attention

is a dead one.
she doesn't hang out with regular teenage types.
not your mainstream teenage type.
she is quite ecclectic in her sense of style.
she doesn't subscribe to teenage fashion.
has no interest in make up.
unless it involves fake blood.
she thinks the only boy that is worthy of her attention
is a dead one.
she doesn't hang out with regular teenage types.
preferring large gatherings with like minded zombies.
she loves dressing up
and is always up for a bit of family fun
she is very much the law abider
and always mindfull of the need for crowd control
and so today she dragged me off to the carlton gardens for melbourne's annual zombie shuffle.
timed to coincide with halloween and day of the dead celebrations in other parts of the world.

under the clear blue melbourne sky with the historic exhibition buildings as a backdrop the sun shone on thousands of zombies as they made there way through the city streets.

under the clear blue melbourne sky with the historic exhibition buildings as a backdrop the sun shone on thousands of zombies as they made there way through the city streets.
just quietly going about the business of doing the zombie shuffle.
She is like me, I also think that the only man that is worthy of my attention is a dead one...
Posted by: aracne | October 29, 2012 at 04:14 AM
Yikes, some of that is really gross! I think my littles would run screaming! Looks like great fun though, I'd never heard of the undead partying in Melbourne (I thought that only happened in Canberra).
Posted by: Kirsty@Bonjour | October 29, 2012 at 08:38 AM
Darn, I totally forgot that was on!! I saw it advertised somewhere a little while ago and thought, I really should take the kids and then forgot all about it!!!
Having only just moved to Melbourne we are still finding out about things that are on and when they are on lol.
Looks like a great day :)
Posted by: Colleen | October 29, 2012 at 01:27 PM