after a marathon two nights and almost three days little miss 10 is due home from school camp today.
the plan is to pick her up at three,
throw her into a warm bath of many bubbles,
feed her some freshly home made steaming vegie soup,
and after some huggleing in cosy corner tuck her into warm clean flanelette sheets with jack the bear
who patiently awaits her return (she refused to take him on the grounds that he is too old,fragile and special)
then i will no doubt spend some hours sorting and washing wet, muddy,stinky clothes and sifting through the detritus contained in her pack.
and while she quietly sleeps off the fatigue of the last few days i will burn the midnight oil stitching in preparation for the weekends market.
have a great weekend
so exciting! May your bubbles last long as does your huggleing.
Posted by: tracylea | May 14, 2010 at 01:55 PM